18-year-old Cody “Clix” Conrod became involved with the online shooter Fortnite to become a successful Twitch streamer. Now he has fulfilled a dream and treated himself to the status symbol of his generation: a Lamborghini Huracán, a sports car for €193,000. But as he proudly shows off his car to his Twitch viewers, a friend shows up and brings him back to earth.

What status symbol did Clix buy? The 18-year-old has treated himself to a Lamborghini Huracán. When he proudly presented the car to his Twitch chat, the new car had covered about 18 kilometers. Clix said he paid “a good price” for it. We’re talking about $210,000.

The “Lambo” is a status symbol of the “Bitcoin” generation:

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This is how Clix performs: Clix smirks and bursts with pride as he presents the Lamborghini to his Twitch viewers. To make it clear what a big number it is for him, he says: In one of the photos he even smiles. That is something very special. Otherwise he never smiles in photos.

Now he just wants to get quick feedback from his viewers: Which of the 3 pictures he took in all the euphoria should he now only post on Twitter and Instagram?

  • The one where he coolly leans against the Lambo and looks into the distance
  • The one where he sits on the floor with his legs apart in front of the car
  • Or the pure Lambo, without it

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Presentation does not work as expected

This spoils Clix’s number a bit: The problem for Clix is ​​quickly made clear in his Twitch clip. Twitch chat doesn’t respond as reverentially as hoped:

  • Now he already has the Lambo
  • But how can he portray him on social media in such a way that he doesn’t come across as totally stupid?

In any case, his chat confirms that he simply looks “sassy” in his photos, i.e. somehow cheeky and also a bit conceited. The hairstyle doesn’t fit. The grin doesn’t look good. Somehow not so great.

But Clix insists: It just seems imaginary, he’s just happy in the photo. The hairstyle is terrible, nothing can be done about it. He’s just a “walking meme.”

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How can I post a Lambo – without coming across as some conceited moron?

For Clix it is clear: He now needs the opinion of an expert. “Stable Ronaldo” (20), his best friend from Fortnite, appears on the Twitch channel. But from now on it’s only going to get worse.

Clix asks his buddy: What pictures can he post on Twitter so that he doesn’t come across as a “douchebag”, like a conceited moron?

However, his colleague, Stable Ronaldo (20), tells him that this is impossible. The train has long left:
“You’re 18 and you’re buying a Lamborghini, of course you look like a moron.”

Clix seems to be starting to realize that he can’t win. In any case, the photo that he likes so much and in which he sits with his legs apart in front of the car and smiles for once in his life is dismissed as ridiculous by his friend. Better to burn it.

Whoever took the photo didn’t have their best interests in mind.

His friend explains to him that a man who spreads his legs like that directs the focus to what can be seen between his legs … or not:

With Friends Like These, who needs enemies

To make matters worse, a Twitch donation comes in for Clix, which a robot voice reads out loud:

That money could go to as many people who need it, but instead you use it to buy a fancy car to show off to the less fortunate. You disgust me. I thought you were different from those LA celebrities.

At that moment, Clix looks almost desperate.

His look seems to say: It’s typical that someone like that has to come: “What kind of dono is that?” he asks, apparently hoping for support from his friend.

“I mean, he’s not wrong,” replies his friend. Who immediately posts it hot to the boil on Twitter under the Poser post with the carefully selected images.

With 154,000 views, this is now the most viewed reply to the tweet.

You can see that whoever buys a Lambo has completely new problems. And true friends are simply priceless.

More about Clix:

Epic bans Fortnite’s face as Twitch streamers demand special treatment for 18-year-olds

By Acfort

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