
ElAnalistaDeBits has published a video analysis comparing Fortnite on PS4, PS4 Pro, and two PS5 graphics modes after the game switched to Unreal Engine 5.1.

Fortnite’s 60Hz graphics mode now includes some modern features such as Nanite, Lumen, Virtual Shadow Map, and Temporal Super Resolution. The 120Hz mode, on the other hand, forgoes most of these new features and 4K to guarantee high frame rates.

Specifically, as of today, the PS4 version of Fortnite runs at 1080p 60fps dynamic, while the PS4 Pro version runs at 1296p 60fps dynamic. On the PS5, on the other hand, 120Hz mode has 1440p dynamic resolution and 120fps high frame rate, while 60Hz mode offers 2160p dynamic resolution, 60fps frame rate and TSR (instead of TAAU), Lumen and Nanite technologies.

As we can see in the video, there is a big difference between the two PS5 graphics options: ambient occlusion, reflections, shadows, draw distance, and overall lighting are all excellent in 60Hz mode thanks to Lumen and Nanite. In contrast, the 120Hz mode provides a less pleasing visual impact but has a high frame rate, ideal for competitive shooters.

By Acfort

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