
The main character of the popular anime series “Attack on Titan” Eren Yeager, along with his comrades, breaks into the battlefield of Fortnite. Epic Games’ Battle Royale has been updated today to version v24.20, which will mark the launch of a new crossover. Familiar characters from Attack on Titan will appear in the game along with their unique equipment that allows you to fly near buildings.

A unique 3D mobile maneuvering mechanism, also known as the UPM in the original anime, is used to fight giant titans. In Fortnite, this device can be found on the ground, in chests or in crates. With it, players will be able to cling to buildings and fly or hit their enemies.

Along with this, Captain Levi and Mikasa Ackerman costumes will be available in the Fortnite Item Shop.

By Acfort

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