With Creative 2.0 in Fortnite, player creativity has no limits. Or is it? A fan created many CoD maps for multiplayer and zombie modes, but they’ve now been taken down, and with good reason.

What is Creative 2.0? Epic Games released a new feature for Fortnite on March 23, 2023 that many players have been waiting for. The Unreal Editor for Fortnite, UEFN for short, is a system that players can use to create better and, above all, more diverse maps in creative mode.

This creates maps like parts of GTA 5 or even areas of CoD. As cool as that sounds, it’s not that easy, because Epic Games has given players limits that show them what they can and can’t create.

However, many creators are ignoring Epic Games’ warnings and are now having to live with the consequences. Just like the Creator Mist Jawa who now had to delete all his CoD maps.

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What did the player create? Mist Jawa is a content creator who has created the well-known CoD map “Rust” in Fortnite since the release of Creative 2.0. In addition, there were also some zombie maps for survivalists. These could then be visited and played for free as soon as you had the map code.

The problem, however, is that Epic Games consider such maps to be copyright infringement (via youtube.com). Now Jawa had to delete all his CoD maps, including all videos on his social accounts (via twitter.com).

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Why did he have to delete the maps? Creative 2.0 offers awesome ways to implement things from other games in Fortnite. As cool as that sounds, it unfortunately violates copyright regulations that Epic Games have put in place.

Basically, these are brazen copies of content owned by Activision. If creators then copy CoD maps 1 to 1 and then call them the same, then they will be removed by Epic Games. In addition, there are penalties such as a permanent ban from Fortnite, even for maps that have not yet been commercialized.

So it’s a touchy subject and while the idea of ​​walking around with Fortnite skins in GTA 5 is cool, you shouldn’t risk a ban.

What do you think of Creative 2.0? Do you think this is a big flop or a cool feature? Let’s find out in the comments!

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