On March 26, Twitch streamer Amar Al-Naimi hosted the “Lost Legends Cup”. 100 German content creators competed against each other in teams of two in Fortnite and fought for prize money of €20,000. Maximilian “Trymacs” Stemmler thought he had a surefire plan to win, but it backfired.

What was that event? On March 26, 2023, the “Lost Legends Cup” started by Amar, the most watched Fortnite streamer in Germany (via sullygnome). 100 content creators competed against each other in teams of two. A total of €20,000 in prize money beckoned as a reward.

The event drew a peak of 23,090 spectators, a resounding success for Amar, who usually has between 1,500 and 3,500 people watching on average. You can find out how the event went and who took home the main prize of €9,500 for 1st place and three wins at the end on the Amar’s YouTube channel see.

What plan did Trymacs have? The Twitch streamer had caught his buddy Rumathra as a partner. He is a shooter expert, has spent almost 1,300 hours in Fortnite on Twitch alone and almost 2,000 in Valorant (via TwitchTracker).

At the “Amar x Eli Trio Cup” in March 2022, Rumathra and his team secured second place. Trymacs must have believed that with a pro like that at his side he could take the win with ease. After all, the streamer has experience with being dragged along in games:

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Fortnite is a real gaming phenomenon, because even if many complain about the colorful Battle Royale, the success cannot be denied. This is not least due to the fact that there is always something new in Fortnite, such as Creative Mode 2.0:

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Fortnite lets friendships crumble

How did the tournament go for Trymacs? Apparently not in the way he had imagined. The trouble started when his teammate Rumathra wasn’t really into it.

Because the cup took place on the beta weekend of the long-awaited Diablo 4, and Rumathra would have preferred to try the new classes of druid and necromancer than to be stuck in a Fortnite tournament with Trymacs.

Because the streamer used his free moments between rounds to let off steam in Diablo 4 – Trymacs finally spoke a word of power and gave him a Diablo ban.

Trymacs fails on medikit

What made the camel overflow? It finally came to a head when Trymacs was about to die. Although he had 3 lifesaving medikits in his inventory, he unfortunately had no idea how to use them. So the streamer threw the kits to Rumathra, who should split them up and do it smartly.

Unfortunately for Trymacs, his teammate didn’t switch gears quickly enough: he was in full health and couldn’t even use the kits. Why the streamer didn’t just apply the kits himself isn’t entirely clear, even to Rumathra, who has no idea what Trymacs wants from him.

That doesn’t stop Trymacs from getting upset with his comrade, though. He freaks out and tells his colleague that he never wants to play with him again: “I invite Rumathra here as a pro and he can’t even split a medipack!”

You can watch the whole freak out in the video, but be careful: it gets loud.

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How did it all turn out? In the end, the duo ended up in 7th place out of 50 without a win. Even if insults were flying around, the action will hardly be able to seriously damage the friendship between the two.

For the next cup, however, Trymacs might prefer to look for another partner. His buddy Chefstrobel ended up in 4th place, maybe he wants to, even if the tournament ended unhappily for him too: He missed 3rd place by a single point.

If Trymacs should have enough of Fortnite after the action, he can perhaps console himself with the tactical shooter Counter-Strike 2. If he ever gets the coveted beta access, because the developers don’t just let everyone in – not even one of the biggest streamers in Germany.

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By Acfort

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