No matter how well-designed the platform is, gamers often face various problems, including bugs in the game itself, account hacking, etc. Sometimes you need to contact the representatives of the company directly. Therefore, information about the situations in which Fortnite technical support can help and how to make a request will be useful.

What Problems Can Fortnite Developers Solve?

Support is contacted if there are problems with:

  • Fortnite;
  • Epic Games Store;
  • other Epic products including Battle Breakers, Unreal Engine, Shadow Complex, Spyjinx.

Epic will not consider complaints related to other devices and programs (for example, if the bug did not appear due to platform flaws, but due to the operation of the device or operating system).

You should contact support in such situations:

  1. If there are problems with the picture, sound, map loading, or the game cannot be launched. Developers fix massive bugs almost instantly during the subsequent modification. If the problem is related to the launch of the game on your gadget model, then the problem may take longer to resolve.
  2. If you need to link another email address to your account or you have lost access to your mail.
  3. If your account has been hacked. Then you will need to confirm that you are the owner of the profile, after which the developers will restore access to the “Personal Account”.
  4. If you have problems buying skins and other items in the game store (for example, if the money disappeared, but the goods did not appear in the locker, or you made a transaction by accident).


Does Fortnite support have a phone number

Epic Games Support communicates only online through the feedback form and email. It is not possible to contact representatives by phone.

How to write to Fortnite support

To submit a request, you need to go to the official page and select the “Help” tab.

In the window that opens, click on the icon marked Fortnite and find the “Contact Us” button in the lower right corner.

This will open the application form.

When making a request, you have to fill in several fields:

  1. Select the resource you’re having trouble with, whether it’s the Epic Store, Fortnite, or another developer’s product.
  2. Choose Russian. So the application will immediately go to the employee who can fulfill it.
  3. Enter your name and email. Specify your email, which is linked to the game account. This will help avoid misunderstandings in the future.
  4. Please indicate the platform you’re having problems with, whether it’s PC, Playstation, or Xbox.
  5. From the list of categories, select the one that best matches your problem. Complaints with such marks are considered faster, because. service staff can immediately navigate the issue.
  6. Describe your problem. Make it as detailed as possible, indicate from which gadget you are logging into your account, at what point the problem occurs, etc.
  7. The last step is to enter the captcha. After that, the request can be sent.

The speed of the response depends on the accuracy of filling. If in the application you could not explain the reason for the appeal or provided incorrect contact details, then the letter may not be responded to.

Response time

The answer from Epic Games technical support comes to the e-mail, the address of which the player indicates when filling out the questionnaire. The waiting time depends on many factors, including the correctness of the request, the complexity of the gamer’s problem, the total number of hits from users. On average, a response comes within 1-2 days, although sometimes players receive an email from Fortnite after a couple of hours.

Have you ever had to ask for help? Did the staff manage to solve your problem?

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By Acfort

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