The gameplay of the fantasy online action game Battle Royale Fortnite from the developer Epic Games is based on the ability to use all types of small arms and build defensive barriers. User guns, in turn, have an individual classification. They are ranked by rarity, combat qualities, conditions of use.

So, to complete 1 task, you may need a “Rumble” sniper rifle, and another one – a quad launcher. Unlike the exotic, the mythical weapons in Fortnite: Battle Royale are presented in 2 copies. This is a jetpack and a Mandalorian amban sniper rifle.

What are mythical and exotic weapons in the game Fortnite

Shotguns in the popular online shooter Battle Royale Fortnite are used in different conditions and are graded according to combat qualities. In Season 15, many items and types of ranged guns have undergone classification changes.

For example, most of the Mythic (yellow) received an exotic rarity (turquoise), retaining the current characteristics. Such guns can be bought from NPC assistants by paying for them with gold bars.

Main types

In total, there are 5 types of casual guns in the online shooter Fortnite: Battle Royale. In addition to combat characteristics, they have a color difference:

  1. Ordinary. Grey. Rise on the map, loot in chests.
  2. Unusual. Green. They rise during the game, loot in chests.
  3. Rare. Of blue color. They rise during the game, loot in chests.
  4. Epic. Purple. They rise during the game, loot in chests. Obtained by upgrading simpler guns for gold from NPCs.
  5. Legendary. Orange. They rise during the game, loot in chests. Obtained by upgrading simpler guns for gold from NPCs.

Exotic weapons

In addition to the main types of guns, Fortnite: Battle Royale has exotic types of weapons worth 400–600 gold bars each. These include:

  • double-barreled shotgun “Argument”;
  • sniper rifle “Rumble”;
  • gun “Snoop”;
  • Pistol “Nighthawk”;
  • sniper rifle “Forecaster”;
  • sniper rifle “Dragon’s Breath”;
  • grenade launcher “Below zero”;
  • double gravity stones;
  • salvo quad;
  • the nuclear rifle.

Volley quad launcher

A salvo quad launcher is similar to a semi-automatic rocket launcher. Deals great damage to the enemy due to the peculiarity of shooting. The released cartridge is divided into 2 and hits several targets at the same time, the total number of cartridges in the quad is 4.

Game weapons

Nuclear rifle

The new support of the 15th season of Battle Royale Fortnite is the Vigorous Cannon. It has the ability to heal the wearer’s shield and health by 15. Also heals allies, useful for team play. Takes up 2 slots.


Mythic weapons include the jetpack and the Amban Mandalorian sniper rifle. Both items can be obtained by killing the Mandalorian. The rifle is a cannon equipped with a thermal imager.

The thermal imager reacts to the thermal radiation of the character and is able to illuminate the enemy hiding in the building. If the enemy is hiding in a building from Fortnite, the thermal imager will not see him. The sniper has a damage power of 110 units, hits both distant and short-range targets.

The Mandalorian’s jetpack is a personal airborne device. It looks like a familiar satchel with a difference in charging. It does not have special fuel, and the amount of charge available must be monitored so as not to fall while moving through the air.

Ways to get weapons in Fortnite

In the fantasy online shooter Fortnite: Battle Royale, weapons are mined on the map, bought for gold bars from NPC assistants, looted in chests, and dropped from defeated opponents. The methods of obtaining depend on the rank of the guns. If casual guns can be picked up during the battle, then mythical and exotic items are obtained by completing special tasks and are bought from non-player characters – NPCs (Non-Player Character).

Location of items

To find out where the right guns are located, pay attention to the location of NPC helpers on the island. Get the required amount of gold bars and go to buy weapons.

Location of NPC helpers selling exotic guns
Title of the subject Location on the map Combat characteristics
Shotgun “Argument” Stronghold, Pleasant Park, Crash character Damage per second – 228 HP, knockback of the enemy when firing, 2 rounds in total
Sniper rifle “Rumble” North of the island, next to the Beach Village, Wick character Damage per second – 70 pts, explosive dopuron on target, 5 rounds
Pistol “Snoop” Dirty Docks, NPC Reese Damage – 195.7 units, when it hits an opponent leaves a mark on it, 16 rounds
Pistol “Nighthawk” Northwest Ocean Coast, Helper Winter Gnome Damage – 44 HP, equipped with a thermal imager for detecting targets in cover, 6 rounds
Rifle-sniper “Forecaster” Southeast of the island, character Maeve DPS – 76.5, Storm Tracking, 6 rounds
Dragon Breath Sniper Rifle Cooling towers, northeast of the island, next to the Smooth Shore, Flash’s helper Damage – 116, flamethrower, 1 round
Grenade Launcher “Below Zero” Southeast of the island, character Snegnazovets Damage – 83 units, rejection of the enemy, freezing of the lower limbs of the enemy; only 6 grenades
Double Gravity Stones Map Center, Helper Cowboy Dual Pistols, 170.28 damage per second, 18 rounds
Volley quad launcher Sandy shore, fortress, assistant Karas Volley damage, in which 1 projectile is divided by 2, for a total of 4 projectiles
Nuclear rifle Beach Village, NPC Anesthesia Universal cannon-first aid kit; restore health to your character and ally – 15 units.

Spawning NPC helpers sell items for gold, which can be earned by taking on their quests. Also, gold can be found at random points on the map, for example, in cash registers at stores. If you need to quickly buy a weapon, you should hurry up, NPCs die after the onset of the zone.

Mythical guns in Fortnite Battle Royale in the 15th season are presented in 2 copies. They are located at the intergalactic boss of the Mandalorian. The bounty hunter himself from a distant galaxy and his ship are located in the center of the map. The Amban Sniper Rifle and Jetpack can only be obtained by killing the Mandalorian.

Complete NPC quests, level up characters, earn gold bars to buy items of exotic and mythic quality. Replenish XP points and climb the levels, occupying the top positions with Epic Games using the provided gaming platforms:

  • Microsoft Windows;
  • macOS;
  • Xbox One;
  • PlayStation 4;
  • PlayStation 5;
  • iOS, Android;
  • Nintendo Switch;
  • Xbox Series X/S.

For interesting gaming information, follow the news of the popular online shooter Battle Royale Fortnite on the official page of the Epic Games developer on the Internet. Also join the Fortnite community on VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.

How do you use mythic and exotic weapons? What types of guns do you like best? Did you manage to defeat the Mandalorian?

By Acfort

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