The oil rig in Fortnite was added to the map before the start of Season 12. Since many of the Battle Pass challenges involve visiting this location, you should know where the facility is located and how to get there.

Description and location of the Oil Rig

The location is within coordinates B7. The tower can be seen west of the Nectar Basin. Like the Slurp swamps, within which the nectar plant is located, the oil enterprise pollutes the environment and has a detrimental effect on the life and diversity of the marine world.

The location is located far from the Agency and it is not so easy to get to it.

Therefore, if you need to get to the oil plant, it is better to land here at the beginning of the game, because. otherwise, you may not have time to move during the match.

This location is dominated by resources of metallic origin. There are not many buildings on the Tower, but there are narrow passages, narrow corridors, small rooms everywhere. It is difficult to fight enemies in this place, because. you can’t shoot at them from a distance, only contact combat is possible.

Location of the oil rig

The boss’s base is located on the Oil Rig – here you can find Dina Mitt with her thunderbolt. In this regard, gamers often land in this location to complete missions dedicated to the heroine:

  1. In one of Dina Mitt’s trials, you need to visit the Oil Derrick, the Sawmill and the Hydro Station 16.
  2. Another challenge for players is to deal 500 damage. damage to any boss. It doesn’t have to be the explosive girl. You can visit the Grotto and fight the Big Guy, land on the Yacht and fight Mister Meowskul, or sneak onto the Shark where Greza is based. But if you chose Dina Mitt, you will have to get to the Oil Rig.
  3. In Week 2 of the Miss Mitt Challenges, players need to get their hands on the boss weapon. On the territory of the Tower, you can engage in a battle with Dina and pick her up with a thunderbolt.

Stealing secret plans from the Oil Rig, Yacht or Shark and handing them over

Dina Mitt’s trials aren’t the only ones in the game that require visiting the Oil Rig. In the same location, you will have to land during the performance of the “Healthy Briefing”. After 2 weeks and 18 completed missions, players will unlock the last mission in the series – find and steal secret plans from Oil Rig, Yacht or Shark Island.

Land on the territory of this enterprise at the beginning of the match. There are a lot of enemies here, so move carefully. Make your way to the server room, destroying all opponents along the way. At the wall next to the server you will see a rack, and on one of the shelves – the desired folder. Get closer to the documents and steal them by holding the E key.


If you managed to pick up the secret plans, then you can proceed to the final stage – the transfer of documents to the Shadow agency. Mailboxes are located in pairs in almost all locations. But if you took the data from the Oil Rig, then the nearest Fortnite territories will be the Nectar Basin and the Holly Fences.

Boxes of competing spy organizations are always located close to each other. If you chose the Shadow Agency, then find a dark gray box with a skull-shaped emblem. Get closer and hold the E key to transfer the documents. After that, a dark suit for the Big Guy will appear in your locker.


If you want to get a light skin style for the Big Guy skin, then the stolen plans must be given to the Ghost. To do this, find a white mailbox with the spy agency logo and send the documents by holding the E key.

A new style for the character will appear in your collection, after activation of which the Big Man can be seen in a white dress suit with a hockey mask on his head. Do not confuse the boxes, as after sending the documents, it will be impossible to change the color of the suit.

Have you already visited the Oil Rig? What tasks were held in this location?

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By Acfort

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